Small Farms Networking
Our team enjoys creating opportunities for farmer-to-farmer discussion and collaboration. In addition to regular training events and conferences, the UF/IFAS Small Farm team has two regional farmer-to-farmer networking groups in the state. Learn how to get connected to these efforts and more! Find upcoming programs on our Calendar page and companion information on the About Us and Get Help From Us pages.
Southwest Florida Small Farmers Network
Small farmers in Southwest Florida can network about diversified and sustainable farming systems. Our network started in 2007 and includes growers from Hillsborough to Collier Counties. This farmer group is facilitated by county UF/IFAS Extension Agriculture Agents in the region. Our goal is education to meet small farmer-identified priorities, issues, and needs with farmer-to-farmer contact and extension resources. A typical meeting starts with a farmer-led walking tour and description of farm operations in conjunction with extension presentations on topics preselected by the membership. Additional activities include a growers meeting, pot-luck lunch and seed swap. The intended audience is the small farmer who wants to develop a regional network of enterprises, and also for beginning farmers. Membership is open and at no cost.
SW Florida Small Farmer Network is the 2009 National Winner (Southern Region) of the Search for Excellence Award in the Sustainable Agriculture Program of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents.
Click here to download an older SW Florida Small Farmers Network brochure.
Visit the UF/IFAS Extension Small Farms Program You Tube Channel.
Check the Calendar for upcoming meetings.
Contact the following UF/IFAS Extension agents in the Southwest Florida region:
- Luis O Rodriguez, UF/IFAS Extension, Polk County, Small Farms and Pesticide Education Agent and Network Chair. (863) 519-1049
- David Outerbridge, UF/FAS Extension, Lee County, County Extension Director. (239) 533-7500
- Jessica Ryals, UF/IFAS Extension, Collier County, Sustainable Ag and Food Systems Agent. (239) 252-4800
- Allison Williams, UF/IFAS Extension Hillsborough County, Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises Agent. (813) 744-5519
- Jennifer Hagen, UF/IFAS Extension, Lee County, Family, Youth and Community Sciences Agent. (239) 533-4327 or (239) 634-9461
Other Florida Farmers Networks (Not hosted by UF/IFAS)
Organizations to Widen Your Network:
- Red Hills Small Farm Alliance
- Farmers’ Legal Action Group
- Inhabit Earth (Formerly Earth Learning)
- Florida Food Policy Council
- Educational Concerns for Haiti Organization (ECHO)
- Florida Farm Bureau
- Urban Oasis Project
- Florida Association of Native Nurseries (FANN)
- Farmers Market Coalition
- Florida Nursery Growers and Landscape Association
- Southern SAWG (Sustainable Agriculture Working Group)
- Florida Blueberry Growers Association
- Florida Permaculture Convergence
- Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association
- Florida Wildflowers Growers Cooperative
- Florida Strawberry Growers Association
- Florida State Beekeepers Association
- Florida Grape Growers Association
- Florida Dairy Goat Association
- Florida Watermelon Association
- Florida Cattlemen’s Association
- Florida Agritourism Association
- Florida Peanut Federation
- Florida Organic Growers
- Florida Peanut Producers Association
- Florida Alpaca & Llama Association
Group Specific Networks:
- Black Farmers & Agriculturalists Association - Florida Chapter
- Southeastern African American Farmers Organic Network
- Farmworker Association of Florida
- ATTRA-NCAT Publications in Spanish
- National Immigrant Farming Initiative
- SARE en Español (Publications on sustainable agriculture in Spanish)
- UF/IFAS EDIS publications in Spanish
- Annie’s Project
- Women's Food and Ag Network
- Farmer Jane
- National Young Farmers Coalition
- Florida Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers and Ranchers
Connect With Us
Dr. Danielle Treadwell
(352) 273-4775