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Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises

Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises


Explore Florida’s wide variety of crop production systems and consider emerging alternative crops.  Crop selection is a critical step in your overall farm business plan so be sure to take a look at the expected costs and the anticipated returns when making your selection.  How you chose to market your crop can make a big difference in your profitability and may also determine your crop selection.  Review your marketing options on our Direct Marketing and Value Added pages, which include plant and harvest schedules for farmers markets and CSAs.  Thinking of using a Hydroponic or Organic Production system?  Start with a baseline understanding of your crop and prepare for adjustments to address the specific conditions of these systems.  Understand the recommended management practices for irrigation and nutrients  as well as potential pests to set the foundation for your success.  Food Safety requirements may also affect your plans, so brush up on the requirements and recommended practices on our Food Safety page.  Looking to exchange ideas and connect with grower associations?  Check out our Networking page. 

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